Strange Times
The world news is not good. Coronavirus is making its way through and each and every human being is worried sick about the health and...

Reading Through 2019
We Need New Names Bulawayo, NoViolet Tintin: Panna Kothai Chattopadhyay, Sasthipada The Paris Architect Belfoure, Charles The Complete...

Talk Story, The Right Slice, Kawaii, HI
When everything you love comes together. The fact that I recently learned that I have reached the Pualani Gold Status for Hawaiian...

Let Them Assume, Thrive Anyway
The saying goes when you assume, you make an ass-(of)-u-(and)-me. But let me tell you; in my experience of all these years of life - this...

Lussekatter for Lucia!
From where I come from, only women ghosts walk around in white clothes in the middle of the night with candles in their hands and the...

Always and Forever Thankful for Women : Thanksgiving 2018
I grew up in a house of parents who loved to entertain. Foodies before foodie was a real word, I saw them spend many hours cooking,...

Always in my heart : 10 Years Since Mom
When I start to write this, it is exactly 4 months till October 1, 2018 - the day that will mark 10 years since mom passed. I thought to...

5 reasons why to Portu-go-right-now
This past 4th of July week we headed back to Europe to see friends and fam in Sweden, but also managed to sneak in 5 days to explore...

Foodlosophy in Boston, Yume Ga Arukara
My friend N and I are fellow foodie sisters, so it is no surprise that our adventures often lead us to great food. This time around when...